• Warranty claims are accepted within 24 months from purchase of the products.
  • We will complete warranty claim in 30 days since delivery.
  • We handle complaints in the form of product repair or replacement.
  • Warranty claim applies to defects in materials or to defects caused during production
  • Warranty claim does not apply to product defects caused by wear and tear, improper use, etc.
  • Deliver the products with all accessories
  • Delivery of the package to the address will significantly speed up the processing time of the claim

How to proceed with Warranty claim

  1. Open the request page: Request page
  2. Select request type (Product Complaints)
  3. Find your order
  4. Create a request
  5. Select the products that are relevant to your request
  6. Enter the details of your request
  7. Within request details - write us to which address we should send the claimed goods
  8. Send the product to:

Marek Šľachta - Battle Tested
Dominikánske námestie 39
04001, Košice